Interview with Jewel of the Seas Staff Captain Kate McHue
On board a party on the Jewel of the Seas wasn’t I delightedly surprised when the Captain announced his staff Captain and out walked…Kate McHue! I wanted to jump up and do a little “Hurray for girl power!” but I didn’t want to seem like that oddball passenger everyone wishes would move a little further away.
So I kept my glee hidden until after when I saw her standing in the entrance of the Safari club greeting passengers. Walking up to her I remember saying “Hiiii” and smiling wide, remembering after a few seconds to follow up with a few more words in the English language, which led me to, “You’re the Staff Captain!” to while she smiled and replied “Yes” and I went on rapid firing something about “so cool”, “my blog”, “interview you”, and to my surprise she made sense of the mash of thoughts, said “Yes, that would be great.” and it was arranged. Below is the bulk of the interview, and if you see Kate on board, tell her that you like Captain America too. 
Where are you from?
Originally from San Francisco but home is Las Vegas now.
What made you go into this line of work?
When I was 12 years old I went on a cruise with my parents and when I got off the ship I told my Dad that I wanted to be the Cruise Director. That was the career path that I had chosen and my Dad looked at me and he said “you can do that, or you could drive the thing.” And I didn’t really think about it again until it was time to go to College and I didn’t know where I wanted to go what I wanted to do, so he suggested a couple of places. One of them was California Maritime academy, and it’s where he had wanted to go to school when he got out of the Peace Corps and they told him you’re too old, we have age requirements, they had all kinds of requirements back in the 70’s, they didn’t allow women in and all kinds of stuff.