Sunday, August 30, 2015

Freedom Of The Seas August 2015 Renee Fender and Family Shows Us How To Get Out There And Have fun!

Renee is a member of We Love Royal Caribbean International. She and her family relax in the Caribbean on my personal favorite ship Freedom of the Seas. Her daughter Emily Hogan directed this video of their vacation.She is studying film production at her University.
About her cruise this is what Renee has to say"We are not a family that stays quiet and observes. We don't mind making fools of ourselves and having a great time. Chris (Belly Flop Guy) came in second place and was also the Team Leader for Team 5 in The Quest. The cruise director ended up wearing my bra on his head during The Quest. My daughters sang karaoke every single time is was done and during the Friendly Feud, the host ended up calling Emily "Kardashian" and my oldest daughter "Half Quote" due to a Harry Potter tattoo she has and the name's stuck. My husband played Friendly Feud in his tux and became "Bond, James Bond" etc and I am still looking for the CRUISE IN REVIEW DVD for August 2 Freedom of the Seas. ANYONE have it? The only regret I have is not purchasing that and I do not know why I didn't!!!!!

We are so happy the Fender family had a great time on Freedom of the Seas!

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